Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Christmas Song

She was his girl; he was her boyfriend
She be his wife; take him as her husband
A surprise on the way, any day, any day
One healthy little giggling dribbling baby boy
The wise men came three made their way
To shower him with love
While he lay in the hay
Shower him with love love love
Love love love
Love love is all around
Not very much of his childhood was known
Kept his mother Mary worried
Always out on his own
He met another Mary for a reasonable fee, less than
Reputable as known to be

His heart was full of love love love
Love love love
Love love is all around
When Jesus Christ was nailed to the his tree
Said "oh, Daddy-o I can see how it all soon will be
I came to she'd a little light on this darkening scene
Instead I fear I spill the blood of my children all around"

The blood of our children all around
The blood of our children all around
The blood of our children all around
So the story goes, so I'm told
The people he knew were
Less than golden hearted
Gamblers and robbers
Drinkers and jokers, all soul searchers
Like you and me

Rumors insisited he soon would be
For his deviations
Taken into custody by the authorities
Less informed than he.
Drinkers and jokers. all soul searchers
Searching for love love love
Love love love
Love love is all around

Preparations were made
For his celebration day
He said "eat this bread and think of it as me
Drink this wine and dream it will be
The blood of our children all around
The blood of our children all around"
The blood of our children all around

Father up above, why in all this anger have you fill
Me up with love
Fill me love love love
Love love love
Love love
And the blood of our children all around

I wish love, love, love for all of you this Christmas, and for the coming year. I love each of you so much. Be brave this year, stand out in the crowd, do what you fear most, love all you can. We are all together in this world, may we make the most of what we are given.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I like to Chocolat

Well today was quite the adventure. It started with a trip to the salon to color my hair. What color did I go? You will just have to wait until you see me next time. Which will probably be long after I have changed it for the tenth million time. So in other words, you will never know. ;) I'll tell you this much, it's in the hot family. Wah, Wah, Wah.

Now to the big event of the day! NYC received lots of snow Sunday Night! The first snowfall is absolutely breath taking. The streets were completely quite, and I felt like I had the city to myself. That is, until I got smacked with a snowball by my friend Alice.
It is possibly the most snow I have ever seen in my entire life! The roads were completely white, the sidewalk was filled with snow, and it was the first true feeling of Christmas for me. So what should one do on a coooooold snowy day?! A Chocolate Crawl.

Now, I had absolutely no idea what a Chocolate Crawl entailed. (For those of you who know me it doesn't take much convincing to get me to go somewhere.) Just tell me when and where and I'll be there! It could be anything from a Carnality Ball to simply watching C.N.N in your apartment. As long as it is an adventure I am up for the excursion.

The Chocolate Crawl is organized by a non profit group called NYC Food Crawl. Every month the group hosts free monthly food events around the city. The excursion started at 3:00 this afternoon where a group of approximately 50 people met in Washington Square Park to try out different Hot chocolate shops around the city!!! The representative handed out a sheet with 6 shops for us to visit and rate the hot chocolate on a scale from 1-5. We were placed into groups of 6-8 and sent on our way!!!

My group consisted of my friend Alice, her friend Corrine, two girls from Michigan, and last but not least, Melissa. A famous cupcake blogging, chocolate loving, sugar fiend, from none other than Sugarland, Texas. Now what are the odds that a type 1 would get paired with a girl who is completely obsessed with sweets? Too good for words. Melissa works in Public relations with a company whose focus is in Chocolate. Needless to say she took charge of our group. I decided for the sake of keeping Melissa from having a heart attack, I would keep the fact that I have type 1 my little secret. ( I don't think that she could comprehend not having endless amounts of sugar day in and day out.) I had a single sip from each of the four places we visited, really watching my chocolate/sugar intake. This way I could keep my blood sugars in check and still enjoying the finer things in life. A win, win in my opinion. To conclude, the real reason I went on the excursion was to meet new people and see different parts of the city. I love New York City for that very reason. Happy Holidays everyone. I hope your break is as Sweeeeet as mine.

"Life is like a box of Chocolate- you never know what you're going to get."

Friday, December 18, 2009

Give it up for Churchill

I just want to take a brief moment to share my love for Winston Churchill.
I know it is bizarre, but every time I think of him I cannot help but to giggle.
My father once told me a little story about Churchill when he was taking me to school one day.
It goes something like this:
A nagging female by the name of Bessie Braddock says to Churchill, “Sir, you are drunk.”
Churchill replies with“Madam, you are ugly, and in the morning, I shall be sober.”
What a dry since of humor. I could have married this man.

Now for a more inspirational quote:
"If you are going to go through hell, keep going."

My personal favorite and the one that I am going to make my motto from here on out is:
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
I feel that I am constantly failing, however that enthusiasm in my failings might just be the success I am looking for.

I won't blog everyday, but I was feeling the love. Have a goodnight, drink wine, be merry, and last but not least, I hope that when you wake up you will be both sober and pretty.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

It is getting cooooooold in the city!!!!! I ran three miles last night! Knocked my time down to 30:44!

I attempted to go on a jog today, but I only made it a mile because my pants kept falling down!!! A bare butt and 30 degree weather will most definitely keep you jogging!

Now let's get to business. My internet and cable are out. I am now at Starbucks finishing my work. I get two free hours thanks to my starbucks gold card!

I think Starbucks should have a cotton candy latte. How yummy would that be?! Irish Creme is another one I wish they would make.
And for the holidays they should at least incorporate one coffee drink with liquor. Rum and Vanilla in a latte sounds delicious.

This city is an amazing place to live. Everyday I find myself meeting new people. Right now I am sitting with my roommate, a brilliant comedic actress from Iowa and her boyfriend who is an artist, (think Van Gogh meets Seurat). He works for the Whitney.

I find myself continually surrounded by such talented and educated people. I am hoping that I can learn something from every single person I meet in the city. It is a fantastic place to live because of the diverse nature of the city. "Turn every corner there's something new". This lyric is from the song, "Nothing is too Wonderful to be True". I am constantly torn because in the few months I have lived here I have developed such a love for NYC. It is in many ways the perfect place for someone in their early 20's to live. However, I am also torn in which direction to follow. I went to school for acting, thinking for the past 4 + years of my life that I had to be on the stage. Unfortunately, the confidence in my craft, or lack their of a craft is dwindling. I suddenly feel like I know nothing. I spent time being frustrated, feeling like I was a waste of time to my professors. (Which I am sure I was.) I was torn down and never built back up. I take partial responsibility for that. I am always hard on myself and always will be. I guess I have to accept who I am. I must learn to accept the good qualities as well as the bad qualities.
I constantly find myself having a sense of loss. The genuine fear of never finding my calling has settled in. I am a dreamer and without a dream I have nothing. I now must be an adult: Manage my health, pay my bills, become less and less dependent on people to help me. This is a scary journey that everyone goes through, but I seem to be struggling more with the ways of life than most. How does one find contentment with what they have? I have so much. Love and support surrounds me. But once again I have to find these things on my own. No one can provide the sense of security that I need but me. Where does one go next? I hope that I can find my gift, my passion, my minuscule contribution to the world.
Direction is what I need. How does one find the right direction?

*Sorry for my run-on sentences and bad grammar.*

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ok so I have never done a blog before. Never thought I would, but alas here I am. This blog is primarily a journal for me. (Read my run-on sentences, bad grammar, and incessant ramblings if you wish.)
I am currently training to run a half marathon. I am going to keep log on this page of what I do daily to hold myself accountable. .....With that thought maybe I should keep track of my blood sugars too. (Told you this would be full of incessant ramblings.) Welcome to the brain of Margaret Shippey.

Today I ran three miles at a pace of 10:22 per mile. I am working on endurance instead of speed. (Keep in mind the tortoise did when the race.)
You may wonder why I am training to run???.....It is to see how disciplined I can make my monkey mind. There is an

Now on to blood sugars: Yikes. Today was a little up and down. Not feeling so great.
Note: These numbers probably won't make sense unless your name is or you have type 1 diabetes.
Gross. I am almost embarrassed to put this up for public viewing. I need to get better control.
I have a doctor's appointment at the Naomi Berri Diabetes Clinic at Columbia University. Hopefully my new doctor will be able to give me some great tips on managing my insulin pump and blood sugar levels!

Today I spent some time in the Upper East side. I had planned to have my art day by visiting the MET, but I forgot that it is closed on Mondays. :(
So instead I spent some time walking in Central Park, and reading a play called Sin by Wendy Macleod. (With my starbucks coffee of course....worst addiction ever)I ended my day by having an early dinner at my friend Aline's apartment in Astoria.
