Friday, November 8, 2013

Who is Georgette

Georgette is the name given to my ego. The part of me that goes up and down- worries about my diabetes- sometimes causes depression/mood swings, but that also burst with pride when I do something great. This blog is a place for my thoughts and a gift for the little lady that sits on my shoulder. Georgette- at times a pain in the ass, is merely a tool to help me listen to the yearning of the soul. The name Georgette was inspired by my father- who once told me he named his ego George. My mother always tells my father and me, "You are two peas in the same damn dramatic pod". So without further adieu I give you a Gift for Georgette. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes right before my 5th birthday. I am now getting ready to turn 27 and embarking on a journey to fully embrace the disease. I am so thankful for those in the diabetic community that have shaped who I am, and made me feel normal on the days where I feel like an irresponsible diabetic. I LOVE my family and my friends with all my heart. I am always embarking on a new adventure- with my not so always trusty side kick diabetes-along for the ride. I am free spirit who wants to explore every part of creativity. And last but not least, I love Steve Martin and Winston Churchill. And don't bother asking why- you'll be just as clueless as me. Georgette is a strange, yet charming name. I decided to look up the meaning, and I discovered that Georgette means farmer, the tiller of the soil. I liked the idea that the little voice on my shoulder could be considered the tiller of my soul. Planting the thoughts for future growth- or spoiled crops depending on how I chose to water the seed. The name Georgette is often associated with people who have a deep yearning to create and express themselves. I chose the name Georgette on a whim, but I find the correlation between my deepest desires and the name I gave that driving voice to be oddly- at one with each other. I let Georgette dream of everything from being a famous jazz singer to being a famous designer. In fact my driving force on the treadmill as I work out is not- "I am being healthy for the diabetes." It is merely a chance to jam out on the i-pod and pretend I am a super amazing singer. Sometimes I dream of singing in front of my office- which is strange because I work as a receptionist at a hedge fund and no one would give a flying leaps ass about a girl singing in front of the office- but none the less it for some strange reason keeps me entertained for the 30 minutes I am running. Today I discovered that a temp basal rate works wonders as I am drinking coffee or tea at breakfast time. I have caffeine every morning and some days my blood sugar will be through the roof two hours later. I typically eat eggs and a handful of nuts for breakfast and drink coffee with no milk and yet it still spikes. I have literally zero carb with a blood sugar of 110 and two hours later I am 275. It makes no sense, but I think that increasing my basal rate for an hour after eating helps to curb the high from spiking! Now if I can just remember to set the temp basal I will be ready to rock and roll.

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