Thursday, November 14, 2013

"The very idea of a bird is a symbol and a suggestion to the poet."

I have lived in New York city for almost five years and as I reflect on the big move I realize that It is without a doubt the love of my life. The culture, food, art, music, and theatre- It is the most deliciously intoxicating place to learn and grow as an individual. No relationship is ever perfect and this city is definitely with its faults, but overall it is a place where I have been able to plant the seed for the creative individual I hope to be. I have always surrounded myself with people that I want to be more like, and I am so thankful for the creative friends that I have met along the way that inspire me to try on many different hats. New York is a unique city in that you have so many people striving to find themselves and to express their creativity that you connect on a spiritual level as you journey along the path together. The past year, I have become friends with a street artist named Wing. She has really encouraged my journey with creative expression. I've never really told her how thankful I am for my time with her. I don't know if I would have continued with expressing myself through art had I not met her. She said something to me once that will stick with me for the rest of my life. "My mission in creating art is to put a smile on someone's face." "When they walk past one of my birds on the side of a building I hope it makes them happy and changes the course of their day." Art can be simple and accessible- art is for the people. I have a new appreciation for street art that I wouldn't have, had I not met this special friend. Meeting Wing has allowed me to explore art in a new way. It makes me fall in love with New York all over again when I stumble upon a piece of art like one of Wing's mosaics, or two insulin bottles posted on wheat-paste outside gallery row in Chelsea. I can't help but grin from ear to ear when I see art on the streets. For that brief moment in time it feels like I have discovered something magical, a unique experience that is all mine. I am able to own that art for a brief moment in time before moving on with my day, and passing it on to the next person that walks by.

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