Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Six months later I am back to blogging. I went on a hiatus due to becoming a nomad for the last 6 months....in New York City. It was exhausting and depressing. I finally settled in a quaint neighborhood in Astoria. It is primarily a Greek and Italian influenced area. My land lords are the cutest couple in the early 80's from the Naples region of Italy. They are the sweetest people on the face of the earth. There names are Catherine and Freddie. Occasionally I accidentally call them Eddie and Freddie. Catherine or Eddie...which do you prefer? I'm going to call her Catherine for now. Catherine loves to grab my face and say oh oh oh what a beautiful girl every time she sees me, followed by can I get you some vino to drink! Doesn't matter what time of day...7 am, 1 pm, 8 pm, You wanta some Vino? I always respond with, "gratzi, gratzi, bella, but not this morning.... I NEED TO LEARN ITALIAN. ANYONE WANT TO BUY ME ROSETTA STONE?

Speaking of drinking alcohol at odd hours of the day I am drinking a new drink that has crazed the streets of NYC. It is called Kombucha. Now, before you judge let me explain. Kombucha is a handmade Chinese tea that is cultured for thirty days. It is supposed to provide nutrients that restore balance and vitality to the body. Because of the fermentation of the tea there is .5% alcohol in the drink.....so basically I'm drinking a wine cooler in the middle of the day. Great. Leave it to the Chinese to invent a healthy alcoholic drink.;)

This is a short blog to get back into the grove of things. I can't wait to fill you all in on the past 6 months of my life. Can you believe August 1 marks a year of me living in New York City? I have been through ups and downs and experienced moments of complete hatred for this city, but there's just something about her that keeps me here..... If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. I look forward to the path I am being led down. I do not know where I'll end up, and I'm ok with that for now. :)


  1. Here is the Italian I know: "Prego" (you're welcome) "Molto gentile" (very nice) "D'ove il bagno?" (where is the bathroom?) "Basta" (enough) "Fanculo" (Go F yourself)
    Love you, Mags. So glad you're happy. That's the secret of Astoria.

  2. Everyone lives in Astoria now! Glad you're back on the blog scene. I could help you learn Latin, which is pretty damn close to Italian. Eh? Eh?

  3. It's November 28. I can't go much longer without my fix of Margaret's ramblings. Seriously, I can't. Don't make me jump off a two-story building and break my leg. Write. You are a natural writer. Get some $5 coffee or a bottle of wine - and sit your butt down and write.

    Don't you make me jump. I'll do it.
