Sunday, December 5, 2010

I have no idea what I am going to write about. My uncle told me to write. So I am.

During a yoga class my instructor said that in order to truly give to others we must know our own mental and physical strengths. I took this statement to heart. I have spent the last few months really working on my physical and mental clarity. I am learning to accept myself--good and bad. My diabetes is in the best control it has ever been in! I am embracing my disease, accepting it, and learning to take charge. It is a lot of work, but managing diabetes is the key to finding clarity. With that being said, I still have thoughts of being an Olympic champion ice skater(Michelle Kwan),Meryl Streep, Monet, and God. Alas, I will give my friends the honor of pulling me around the rink like a tug boat, Meryl Streep can kiss my ass, stick figures rock, and well if Mother Teressa can get that close to God so can I. I really want to keep writing, but I am tired, rambling, and over it. Night.